We are thrilled to announce an exciting new partnership for the Rox N’Roll Cruise-In Series, as Person County Tourism Development steps in as our esteemed Title Sponsor! At the heart of this alliance lies a shared commitment to community enrichment and the...
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to overlook the quiet heroes of our communities—the small businesses that dot our streets, each with its own unique charm and offerings. In today’s fast-paced world, where the convenience of big-box...
The weather is warming up and the opportunities to get out and enjoy the beautiful days are upon us! Stroll through Uptown Roxboro from the Person County Public Library all the way up to the Person County Museum of History and everywhere in between. You can soak up...
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Claudia Berryhill, is a staunch supporter of Uptown Roxboro economic development efforts. Her incomparable volunteer efforts are visible almost everywhere you look. Dr. Berryhill is not only an Uptown building and business owner, she...
Uptown Roxboro was very excited to see this project to its completion and share it with all of you. Our Design Committee, chaired by Saundra Shoe, set out to add a new piece of art to Uptown Roxboro and we managed to be put in contact with Fireball Forge whom we were...
Join us at The Shops at Hall’s Way and enjoy the historical decor and smiling faces here to greet you daily. Come check out our variety of local crafters specialties in the Artisan’s Emporium, home decor items in The Galleria and L&S Hair Salon. Be...