The Village Gallery Florist & Gift Shop

The Village Gallery Florist & Gift Shop


In 1994, Rolling Hills Garden Center was started as a family business with one greenhouse growing top-quality annual and vegetable plants.  Each year that went by another greenhouse was added as were varieties of annuals, vegetables, and perennials. Shrubs and trees began being sold in the late 1990's, and in the year 2000 we moved to a location within the city limits and changed our previous location into a growing operation providing plants to our new site. We currently stock annuals, vegetables, perennials, shrubs, fruit trees, flowering trees, shade trees, Japanese maples, garden seed, grass seed, soil and soil amendments, fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, pottery, fountains, concrete statuary, wind chimes, decorative flags, and many other gift related items.
For the next 16 years, Rolling Hills continued providing quality plants and landscaping needs to the community while establishing itself as having the most knowledgeable and best customer service team in the industry.  In 2007, The Village Gallery Florist & Gift Shoppe was formed as a branch of Rolling Hills to service all types of fresh and silk arrangements for any floral needs. Today at 400 South Madison Blvd, we serve Person County and the surrounding counties including Southside Virginia with their wedding, birthdays, funerals, anniversaries, and all other occasions with a team of the region's best designers and sales associates in the floral and gift industry.
Our commitment to quality products and first-class customer service have helped establish these businesses as trusted sources for any floral and landscape project.  We thank you, the customer, for the opportunity to work and help you in the future as we strive to build this relationship even stronger!


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400 S. Madison Blvd., Roxboro, NC 27573

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