Homepage Header

This is the homepage sub-head. You can use this to expand on your homepage headline.


This is your homepage header body copy. You can use this to further expand on your homepage header content. But you don’t need to use it.

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Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings. DETAILS.

Interior Page Header

This is a fun little subhead.

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Photography by Dwayne Reaves.

Search Bar

Copy Block

H1 — page headlines, Mentor Sans Black

H2 — primary page subheads, Hackney Regular

H3 — alternate page subheads, Mentor Sans Black

H4 — primary content subheads, Hackney regular

H5 — alternate Bungee Regular, for content subheads, Roboto Black
H6 — fine print & citations, Roboto Regular

Body copy, Roboto Regular — the default body copy type. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. hyperlink, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum. Bold — Maecenas semper arcu in dolor tempus lobortis. Nulla purus arcu, malesuada vel enim vitae, commodo posuere est. Fusce arcu tortor, pretium eu scelerisque nec, porttitor non tortor. Bold italic — Etiam faucibus magna et magna lacinia venenatis.

  • Proin pellentesque pharetra
  • ipsum sit amet vehicula.
  • Duis felis sem, molestie at viverra id,
  • varius ac neque.

Nullam eros est, blandit et arcu vel, tincidunt euismod mauris. Nunc lobortis laoreet luctus. Nam vitae imperdiet neque. Suspendisse sollicitudin mollis orci, eget molestie felis molestie at. Vivamus eu volutpat velit, ut volutpat erat.

This is a blockquote to help emphasize talking points, primarily in our blog posts.

Suspendisse imperdiet eget lorem at posuere. Nullam pulvinar bibendum ligula, eu condimentum orci viverra in. Suspendisse sollicitudin mollis orci, eget molestie felis molestie at. Vivamus eu volutpat velit, ut volutpat erat.

  1. Nulla fringilla neque eu quam consectetur, ut cursus mauris facilisis.
  2. Aenean laoreet ante vitae nulla tempor, sed volutpat urna feugiat.
  3. Pellentesque quis pellentesque elit, id dictum turpis.
  4. Proin venenatis nulla magna, ut fermentum augue laoreet at.
Photography by Dwayne Reaves.

Content Highlight Full-Width Wide

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum. Maecenas semper arcu in dolor tempus lobortis. Nulla purus arcu, malesuada vel enim vitae, commodo posuere est. Fusce arcu tortor, pretium eu scelerisque nec, porttitor non tortor. Etiam faucibus magna et magna lacinia venenatis.

Color Palette

















Image Box One Column

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum. Maecenas semper arcu in dolor tempus lobortis. Nulla purus arcu, malesuada vel enim vitae, commodo posuere est. Fusce arcu tortor, pretium eu scelerisque nec, porttitor non tortor. Etiam faucibus magna et magna lacinia venenatis.

Three young women smile and laugh as they walk near a beach holding ice cream cones
Photography by Dwayne Reaves.

Image Box Two Columns.

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum. Maecenas semper arcu in dolor tempus lobortis. Nulla purus arcu, malesuada vel enim vitae, commodo posuere est. Fusce arcu tortor, pretium eu scelerisque nec, porttitor non tortor. Etiam faucibus magna et magna lacinia venenatis.

This is an H2.

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum. Maecenas semper arcu in dolor tempus lobortis. Nulla purus arcu, malesuada vel enim vitae, commodo posuere est. Fusce arcu tortor, pretium eu scelerisque nec, porttitor non tortor. Etiam faucibus magna et magna lacinia venenatis.

Three women laugh at a restaurant table with glasses of beer

Image Box Three Columns

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum. Maecenas semper arcu in dolor tempus lobortis. Nulla purus arcu, malesuada vel enim vitae, commodo posuere est. Fusce arcu tortor, pretium eu scelerisque nec, porttitor non tortor. Etiam faucibus magna et magna lacinia venenatis.

This is an H4. You can use this for paragraph titles or to help separate sections in a long copy block.

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum. Maecenas semper arcu in dolor tempus lobortis. Nulla purus arcu, malesuada vel enim vitae, commodo posuere est. Fusce arcu tortor, pretium eu scelerisque nec, porttitor non tortor. Etiam faucibus magna et magna lacinia venenatis.

Happy young woman chasing man while riding bicycle on a sunny day

This is an H4. You can use this for paragraph titles or to help separate sections in a long copy block.

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum. Maecenas semper arcu in dolor tempus lobortis. Nulla purus arcu, malesuada vel enim vitae, commodo posuere est. Fusce arcu tortor, pretium eu scelerisque nec, porttitor non tortor. Etiam faucibus magna et magna lacinia venenatis.

Content Highlight Full-Width Large

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum. Maecenas semper arcu in dolor tempus lobortis. Nulla purus arcu, malesuada vel enim vitae, commodo posuere est. Fusce arcu tortor, pretium eu scelerisque nec, porttitor non tortor.

This is a pull quote.

Photography by Dwayne Reaves.
Photography by  Bobby Kelleher
Photography by  Beloved Peace Photography
Image Box Four Columns

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum.

This H5 is used to further separate smaller sections within a long copy block.

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum.

A cup of coffee, cream, and several slices of bread are displayed on a wooden serving tray
This H5 is used to further separate smaller sections within a long copy block.

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum.

This H5 is used to further separate smaller sections within a long copy block.

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum.

Parallax Image Separator

A row of beer taps shown at an angle with several glasses of different beers underneath

Image Box Five Columns

Nam ut pellentesque diam, ultricies congue nisi. Maecenas mollis varius neque, non tempus dolor bibendum sit amet.

A row of beer taps shown at an angle with several glasses of different beers underneath

This is a pretty fun headline.

Nam ut pellentesque diam, ultricies congue nisi. Maecenas mollis varius neque, non tempus dolor bibendum sit amet.

A row of beer taps shown at an angle with several glasses of different beers underneath

This is a pretty fun headline.

Nam ut pellentesque diam, ultricies congue nisi. Maecenas mollis varius neque, non tempus dolor bibendum sit amet.

A row of beer taps shown at an angle with several glasses of different beers underneath

This is a pretty fun headline.

Nam ut pellentesque diam, ultricies congue nisi. Maecenas mollis varius neque, non tempus dolor bibendum sit amet.

A row of beer taps shown at an angle with several glasses of different beers underneath

This is a pretty fun headline.

Nam ut pellentesque diam, ultricies congue nisi. Maecenas mollis varius neque, non tempus dolor bibendum sit amet.

A cup of coffee, cream, and several slices of bread are displayed on a wooden serving tray
Image Box Four Columns (Polaroid)

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum. Proin pellentesque pharetra.

Person stands in infinity pool looking out at a tropical beach
This is an H5. This is used for widget titles below the header widget.

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum. Proin pellentesque pharetra.

This is an H5. This is used for widget titles below the header widget.

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum. Proin pellentesque pharetra.

Baked goods piled on a wooden background
This is an H5. This is used for widget titles below the header widget.

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum. Proin pellentesque pharetra.

Content Highlight Full-Width

This is what our paragraphs look like. Quisque id ante vitae turpis fermentum malesuada. Morbi nec vulputate lectus, eu feugiat lacus. Nullam et mauris scelerisque, efficitur eros et, faucibus ipsum. Maecenas semper arcu in dolor tempus lobortis. Nulla purus arcu, malesuada vel enim vitae, commodo posuere est. Fusce arcu tortor, pretium eu scelerisque nec, porttitor non tortor. Etiam faucibus magna et magna lacinia venenatis.

Photography by Dwayne Reaves.

Contact Us

Contact Information

Phone: (123) 456-7890 (make click-to-call)

Business Name
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Contact Form Full-Width

Nav Boxed Four Columns

Nav Item #1

Nav item #2

Nav Item #3

Nav Item #4

Blog Posts Three Columns

Cruising Towards a Thrilling Partnership: Person County Tourism Development Joins Rox N’Roll Cruise-In Series

Cruising Towards a Thrilling Partnership: Person County Tourism Development Joins Rox N’Roll Cruise-In Series

We are thrilled to announce an exciting new partnership for the Rox N'Roll Cruise-In Series, as Person County Tourism Development steps in as our esteemed Title Sponsor! At the heart of this alliance lies a shared commitment to community enrichment and the celebration...

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Embracing the Heartbeat of Your Community: The Importance of Shopping Local and Supporting Small Businesses

Embracing the Heartbeat of Your Community: The Importance of Shopping Local and Supporting Small Businesses

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to overlook the quiet heroes of our communities—the small businesses that dot our streets, each with its own unique charm and offerings. In today's fast-paced world, where the convenience of big-box retailers and...

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Get out and about in Uptown Roxboro

Get out and about in Uptown Roxboro

The weather is warming up and the opportunities to get out and enjoy the beautiful days are upon us! Stroll through Uptown Roxboro from the Person County Public Library all the way up to the Person County Museum of History and everywhere in between. You can soak up...

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Everything is Better in Person- Including Weddings!

Everything is Better in Person- Including Weddings!

It's been a wonderful winter season in Person County. It hasn't been a very cold winter, which has been great for our visitors to enjoy outdoor adventures at local parks, scenic drives along the Quilt Trail, and immersive tours at the Person County Museum. With spring...

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Live the Lake Life

Live the Lake Life

Hyco Lake Rent one of the beautiful houses, big enough for the whole family! Boat rentals are available. Spend the day out exploring, and stop mid-boat ride at Bouy's Bar & Grill or Hyco Lake Marina for some convenience store needs. Lake gear also available at locally...

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Love is in the Air

Love is in the Air

Whether you will be with your significant other or celebrating together as a family, we've got some ideas about how you can celebrate love this Valentine's Day in Roxboro and Person County. Let your love -roll! Recently re-opened Palace Pointe is the perfect place to...

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Events Three COlumns


Business Listings four Columns

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