1792 Beer Company
- 106 N Main St, Roxboro, NC 27573
- (336) 647-4269
- zackwynne@1792beerco.com
An Artisan’s Emporium
- 44 Gordon Street, Roxboro, NC 27573
- (336) 233-3504
- anartisansemporium@gmail.com
- https://anartisansemporium.com/
Black Creek Brewery
- 111 Depot St, Roxboro, NC 27573
- blackcreekbrewery@outlook.com
- https://www.facebook.com/blackcreekbrewing/
Carol’s Collectibles
- 108 S. Main Street, Roxboro, NC 27573
- (336) 599-3438
Contextures Fabrics
- 44 Gordon Street, Roxboro, NC 27573
- (386) 804-9197
- Contexturesfabricshop@gmail.com
- http://ContexturesFabrics.Etsy.com
Make Mine Homemade
- 511 S Morgam St, Roxboro
- makeminehomemade@hotmail.com
- https://www.makeminehomemade.com/
Person County Museum of History
- 309 N Main St, Roxboro, NC 27573
- (336) 597-2884
- personcountymuseumofhistory@gmail.com
- http://www.pcmuseumnc.com/
Person County Quilt Trail
- 29 Reams Street, Roxboro, NC 27573
- (336) 597-2689
- info@visitroxboronc.com
- http://visitroxboronc.com
The Commonplace Studio & Collective
- 201 N Main Street, Roxboro, NC 27573
- (336) 592-5708
- thecommonplacestudioandcollective@outlook.com
Truth Books & Gifts
- 201 South Madison Blvd, Roxboro, NC 27573
- (336) 597-2322
- pdsshmidt@aol.com
- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Truth-Books-Gifts/320149654675363